Millions Of Bats Burst From Cave In Mass Exodus To Hunt | Happily TV

2022-02-18 69

Millions of bats burst from a network of caves in unison to go hunting for the night - painting a dramatic sight across the sky as the sun sinks into the horizon. The spectacular scene, at The Battambang Bat Caves in Cambodia, lasts around 30 minutes as the massive colony spill out the rocky landscape in a mass exodus. Although the hordes of flying mammals can be seen from afar, it’s possible to get to the mouth of the cave to witness them streaking out into the night sky much closer up. Keen adventurers Rebecca and Mario Walsh, from Feilding, New Zealand, captured the awesome act after being taken there by Tuk-tuk. The pair, who share their adventures and travel tips in a member’s area on their website, were at the caves on August 12 2017.